Solar-Powered Glass Mosaics.
En VIDREPUR, one of our priorities within our business strategy is caring for the environment.
Our mosaic comes from 100% recycled glass, but we now also self-generate our own electricity, renewable energy, clean and green energy, through our own-consumption solar panel installation, which provides an installed power of 2,204.81 Kwp. In addition, through this investment, our energy savings are forecast to be 3,266,325 kwh per year.
The decrease in CO2 emissions into the atmosphere will now be 947,234.25 kg/year.
The new solar panel installation in our factory in Almazora, Castellón is made up of 4,042 modules, with a total surface area of 10,364 square meters.
For a more sustainable present and future, we continue to care for our environment in each of our processes.